# Gold Roger A complete media suit in docker. Handles Torrents/VPN/Indexer/Automatic downloads and many more. The only thing required outside of this is VPN access from mullvad. # Used software - qBittorent - gluetun - jackett - radarr - sonarr # Required configuration ## VPN Gluetun supports many VPN providers. I use [Mullvad](https://mullvad.net/). Check the gluetun [wiki](https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun-wiki) for infomation on setting up your provider. ## Docker Volumes In the `bulk` volume create a `movies` and `series` directory. Change ownership to `1000:1000` with `chown 1000:1000 -R .`. ## qBittroent Default login is `admin` and the password is printed on the logs. After login change the password. Downloads --> Save Management --> Default Save Path to `/bulk/downloads`. Connection --> Proxy server --> `SOCKS5` and `` and port `1080` and check `Use proxy for peer connections`. Advanced --> Network Interface --> `tun0` Advanced --> IP to bind to `10.x.x.x`. The VPN IP addr. BitTorrent --> Seeding Limits --> check `When total seeding time reaches` and set to `30`. Do not set it to 0. This will prevents sonarr/radarr from importing. Also we can't seed with mullvad vpn. ## Jackett If desired you can set a admin password. ## Radarr / Sonarr Authentication Method --> Forms (Login Page) Authentication Required --> Disabled for local addresses Set a username and a password. Media Management --> Root Folders --> Add root folder. Set to `/bulk/movies` for radarr and `/bulk/series` for sonarr. Indexers --> Add --> Torznab --> Custom URL: Copy Torznab url from jackett. (Make sure the hostname is correct `jackett:9117`) API key: Copy from jackett Click Test Download clients: Add qBittorent: Host: `gluetun` (Because qBittorent is bound to gluetun) Port: `8080` Username: `admin` Password: As set in qbt Click test. ## Jellyfin Create a normal user. Add two librarys. A movies and a series one. The paths are `/data/movies` and `/data/series`.