package util; import haxe.Exception; class LambdaExtender { /** Returns the first element if there are exectly one element present. Throws exception if not. **/ static public function single(it : Iterable): T { var elem: T = null; for (t in it) { if (elem != null){ throw new Exception("Multiple elements found"); } elem = t; } if (elem == null){ throw new Exception("No element found"); } return elem; } /** Like `single` but when no element was found return the default value. **/ static public function singleOrDefault(it : Iterable, defaultValue: T): T { var elem: T = null; for (t in it) { if (elem != null){ throw new Exception("Multiple elements found"); } elem = t; } if (elem == null){ return defaultValue; } return elem; } /** Returns the first element. Throws execption if no first element found. **/ static public function first(it : Iterable): T { for (t in it) { return t; } throw new Exception("No element found"); } /** Like `first` only if no first element was found it returns the defalt value. **/ static public function firstOrDefault(it : Iterable, defaultValue: T): T { var iter = it.iterator(); if (iter.hasNext()){ return; } return defaultValue; } }