/* Author: Djeeberjr Description: Makes object a teleporter Effect: Local Parameter(s): 0: OBJECT - the gamelogic 1 (optional): STRING - Teleport name */ params ["_gl",["_name",""]]; if(_name == "")then{ _name = (getPos _gl) call BIS_fnc_locationDescription; }; _pushArray = [ getPos _gl, //Pos DLib_fnc_teleporterCallback, //code _name, //name "", //description "", //mission's player ??? "", //Path to overview image 1, //Size multiplier for overview image [_gl] //Params ]; if(isNil "DLIB_teleport")then{ DLIB_teleport = [_pushArray]; }else{ DLIB_teleport pushBack _pushArray; }; { _x addAction ["Open map",{ params ['_target', '_caller', '_actionId', '_arguments']; [ findDisplay 46, getPos _target, DLIB_teleport, [], [], [], 0, false, 1, false, "Teleport to location" ] call BIS_fnc_StrategicMapOpen; },[],5,true,true,"","true",5]; } forEach (synchronizedObjects _gl);